threat defense

Since my own machine installation this a threat defense feeling machine reaction speed instantly higher than before many times, in the beginning I thought it was the use of their own psychological, so there is no how to care about it, but then one of my friends to my home with my machine playing a game, people my friend gave me my machine speed how fast, play the game a little card, his machine completely and my machine is not compared, listen to him say that I believe it is really because I installed threat defense the machine was so fast reaction, I heard friends because threat defense was back to their own machine installed.

飯店 下午茶

我平時沒事的時候經常的會和我的朋友們一起去公司附近的飯店 下午茶裡面吃吃東西,剛開始選擇去飯店 下午茶裡面是覺得這個地方離我們公司是最近的,可是現在之所以會飯店 下午茶裡面是覺得這裡面的東西非常的好吃呢,而且不止我一個這麼的覺得我們公司裡面的同事只要是去過飯店 下午茶的人都會和我一樣喜歡上這家店的,而且這麼多年來每次在飯店 下午茶裡面吃的東西都非常的美味,哎,要是能在多開幾家分店就最好了呢,這樣子我以後在任何地方都可以吃到。