tokyo real estate

A few days ago with my brother to visit Japan trip. My brother is studying in Tokyo, Japan Tokyo real stay after graduation estate. Tokyo real estate is engaged in real estate, as is known to all, Japan’s land area is too small and frequent earthquakes, so the real estate is very promising. Have the Spring Festival when my brother took us one family took everything, before history, the country is full of malice. But when I really got to know the country, only to find that isn’t what happened. They were forced into war. In fact, the Japanese love peace, but are particularly courteous, polite to people. My brother works in Tokyo real estate and no man because he is Chinese, and he often help him out. So my brother decided to stay in this enterprise.




開公司不是一件容易的事情,最起碼我自己是這麼認為的,因為我弟弟當時吵吵著 說是要自己開公司呢,我媽媽就堅決反對,說是他年紀太小了,建議他先到別的公司上班,等有了經驗之後,然後再開公司也不遲,我弟弟最後也聽從了我媽媽的意見,畢竟我媽媽說的也很有道理,於是去年過完年之後我弟弟又在家裡說起了這事,說是他希望這次我媽媽不要在阻止他了,我看到了媽媽這次不但沒有阻止,還給他拿了好多錢呢,我弟弟很高興,。最終他的公司也正式成立了呢。

tokyo real estate

Want to buy a house has been for a long time, but has not found the right. Recently a friend recommended Tokyo real estate the conduit company to me, say that this is a very good company, there are a lot of houses, must be able to find good. I went to the Tokyo real estate consulted about, really is very good, the staff is very warm. Help me find a lot with my conditions of the house, I was ready to go to look at the house. Now the initial impression of Tokyo real estate is very good. I decided to buy a house here, I think it will make me happy. It’s really thank a friend recommended me for Tokyo real estate.






其實我也很早的時候 想過自己以後要去留學澳洲,可惜的是這次高考的時候我的成績並不是特別的優秀,所以我就特別的擔心,我不知道自己的成績還能不能去留學澳洲呢,本來我不和我幾個朋友我們還商量好了,我們到時一起去留學澳洲,可是其實的幾個朋友他們的成績都要比我好一些,看到這樣的場景我真後悔自己考前沒能好好的複習功課,每次考試 的時候自己都太馬虎了。不過現在說那麽多也沒用了,我現在只想知道的是我的成績還能不能留學澳洲了


公司的網站還是找一個網站設計公司幫我們來做一個網站設計吧,現在我們公司的網站信息已經有好久都沒有更新了,而且現在我們公司有一批新的產品就是要上市 了,所以我就想應該把我們公司的網站什麽的全部更新一下,為了備戰我們這次的新產品有一個好的銷量我想我們應該把各個方面都做的完美才是,上次出差的時候看 到了一個網站設計公司還不錯,而且我還留了他們公司的信息,而且我昨天還去他們產公司的網站上面看了,他們公司的設計理念非常的不錯的,所以我想把這個我們公司的網站設計交給 他們。

tokyo real estate

Always want to go to Tokyo real estate to work, even if it is a little cleaner I also want, since the childhood I heard Tokyo real estate this place, I feel there is very fierce, each school, school will pass by there, I will be standing there, see import and employees, looking at them that proud, proud figure. Once I remember I muster the courage to go in after asking where the service personnel, how to just can be entered here, the service personnel smiled and said, let me go back to learn, I run into a wall, but I did not give up, always learning to get along with people, there are a variety of relevant can enter where subjects. Now I finally can go in there, my dream has finally realized, I now is where an employee.

