

wedding photography

I really wanted to shoot a distinctive wedding photography, I think that now people say that although a variety of shooting wedding photography has, but say it is good, and I think there are, but with their own style, or too little, I think wedding photography to capture a person’s life once, we should shoot to shoot their own style, and I want to shoot wedding photography must break those traditional wedding style, to add some of your own thought into it, but I said this is my wedding photography should only be taken for ourselves, because now that wedding photography shop also rare.

普吉岛 度假酒店

明明说好一定要住在普吉岛 度假酒店的,可是刚一来就发现我们住的根本就不是普吉岛 度假酒店,这个旅行社还真是胆大,居然敢这么欺骗游客,最后在我们所有人的抗议下,我们终于改到普吉岛 度假酒店去了,来普吉岛旅游的话肯定是住在普吉岛 度假酒店最好了,这里有特别多的休闲娱乐的设施,每天出去观光回来之后也可以酒店里面玩,而且普吉岛 度假酒店环境也特别好,晚上如果睡不着的话也可以看一看外面的夜景,跟在国内的夜景很不一样的。

台北 商務酒店

之前就听说过台北 商務酒店了,只要是住过的人都对这里面的评价挺高的,所以我对于这个台北 商務酒店的兴趣一直是很高的,我就想着要是有一天可以到台北 商務酒店住宿就好了,这次终于是有这样的机会了,我真的是来到这个台北 商務酒店了,我这次也是因为一些公事才到这个台北 商務酒店住宿的,我觉得这个台北 商務酒店真的是很不错,就向是人们说的那样,而且真的是给人一种很舒服安逸的感觉,我真的是觉得出差住在这样的酒店真的是让人感觉很舒服。

Bachelor degree

Wife over time to test the Bachelor degree, and this is really concerned for her too important, so this time I never let her do anything to make her obsessed with thinking about things Degree Bachelor degree exam, in fact, this Bachelor degree degree wife had in the last time we can pass, but at that time, I really was not thoughtful of her, she should go to work every day, but also cook off work to take care of children, she is simply not homework time, so her last exam Bachelor degree degree the time, it did not pass, which made her sad for a long time too, this time finally had the chance again, I would not let her miss it, so I should a lot of support and understanding her son.







offshore tax planning

I have always felt that their choice offshore tax planning work is wrong, because since I have been in this offshore tax planning work, my daily mood is really very depressed ah, I have all day to think of how talent and my those colleagues deal with relationships, I have to think about their feelings, I think I like this job is really tired, I would like to have some want to quit, but then I put my mind told me these leadership after that, he told me that yes, in fact, at work, each are equal, just follow their own ideas can be, do not be too care about the feelings of others to go to something like this resignation is not worth it, I then think about it also, I think that after doing offshore tax planning to do their work when I can, and do not re almost too much to others.

巴厘岛 度假酒店

在我们的一致要求下终于可以住进巴厘岛 度假酒店了,明明就说这次是一家人来度假的,可是我老爸还是想住在离机场比较近的酒店,这样如果国内出了事情他就能马上赶到机场回去了,我妈妈对这件事情就特别生气,我也是,明明说是出来玩的,还一门心思想着自己的工作,最后我们就说一定要搬到巴厘岛 度假酒店去,好好享受着一家三口的度假生活,最重要的就是爸爸不是成天忙他的工作了,而是跟我和妈妈一起玩,这真的很难得呢,因为爸爸总是为了工作好久都不陪着我和妈妈一起,这次有机会当然要好好珍惜了。