
Really don’t understand why people today are that the value Diploma, like this to the interview, although my Diploma not that high, but I also have a few years on the job experience ah, even if high Diploma should also be more than the actual work experience, because some things are not in the school read several years book can be learned, must to do it in person to experience to understand. Although I think so, but the interviewer may not think so, they think that people with higher Diploma capacity is relatively good, so I didn’t get high position, and the position of the people with higher Diploma was easily won the manager, let him not to let all people disappointed.





場地 出租

有的時候我覺得自己是那種對什麽都沒有太多要求的人,我覺得這樣好也不好,記得那次我媽媽讓我聯繫場地 出租的事情,其實我知道我媽媽是要做什麽的,但是我覺得場地 出租的話,那麼只要差不多的就行了,但是後來發現其實不是那個樣子的,如果你不怎麼懂場地 出租這個行業的規則的話,那麼你還是不要去幫忙比較好,所以說到最後我就做的不是很好,雖然我媽媽沒有說我什麽,但是我心裡是不好受的,因為我覺得很不好意思。

kelly bag

Mom said as long as I have a wonderful time, then she will not say so much, sometimes I do not want my mom birthday, buy her a kelly bag, in fact, I think my mom would not care those things, but sometimes I think it is to express your own love, I know that my mother liked kelly bag, because she felt kelly bag very unique, very textured back then, so I said I would like to give mom bought one, but I was afraid after I bought my home people would say I spend too recklessly, in fact, I think my mother bought, then she will be very happy.



台湾 凤梨酥

想想这个台湾 凤梨酥还是很好吃的,我在想为什么我当时回来的时候就没有多带一些呢,现在我又想吃这个台湾 凤梨酥怎么办啊!唉,我觉得自己也太小气了,当时去台湾玩的时候,想着回来的时候要带好多的台湾 凤梨酥呢,结果呢我回来的时候,就因为自己在花钱,而且还觉得自己拿着太重了,就没有买太多的台湾 凤梨酥,而且给我的那些朋友们是一点台湾 凤梨酥都没有带,虽然说是他们没有责怪我,但是我还是觉得心里很是过意不去的,所以我觉得我下次要是再去台湾,我一定要带好多的台湾 凤梨酥给我的朋友们。

嬰兒用品 專門店

現在的這個嬰兒用品 專門店真的是太多了,就在我們樓下就有好幾家呢,雖然說是現在的孩子都少了,人們都很是疼愛,想著給他們最好的東西,但是這個嬰兒用品 專門店裏面的東西畢竟只能是用個嬰兒時期啊,等到大了也就用不上了,而且我在我們樓下的那幾個嬰兒用品 專門店裏面都有轉過,我覺得他們都各有各的好吧,有的是品質好,有的是價格便宜,還的的是裏面的東西比較齊全,我想著不管是什麽樣的嬰兒用品 專門店,都要有一個自己的經營方式,這樣的話他們的生意或許才會更好一點吧。



Mauritius Company

It seems the company to expand its operations would also like a lot of way to do that, we heard recently in the study or not to open the upper Mauritius Company, if really implemented, then I really wanted to go, and now I have felt in the company’s ability to not be completely displayed, or because the company master too much, although my ability is also good, but there is no opportunity for me to punch up the opportunity, and now the company opened Mauritius Company if true, then I can choose to go there to work, I would like to acknowledge as will be doubled, and the original Mauritius Company plans I have been involved, but did not think the company will seriously consider.