half case

I’ll buy a half case to my mobile phone. I also give my husband to buy one, I like a little cartoon, and waterproof anti fall performance good, simple and generous, not the kind of looks very complicated that half case. I work then give my colleague said, he gave me to buy a half case on the Internet, and more styles, selectivity, price is also low, he took it out on the net to buy the new half case let me see, really very good, very practical. So I asked him to buy the half case website link, after he had sent me, I was at work in her spare time for my husband and I have read on the Internet the two I think better half case, paid the money, estimated tomorrow afternoon will be able to.

financial planning

I want to be a financial planning. For my money, because my husband a month can earn a lot of money, but because my child is still small, the old man also don’t we care, but ten years later, my child is going to high school, old people are older, is likely to have the disease. Now, so we want to get home to spend is not the case, for a financial planning, in order to deal with children’s education fund, all expenses and burden of the elderly, so I go to the insurance company to, look for our financial planning, their staff to hear me out, we understand that we should choose what products.


The Sumitomo is in fact very near from our company, if I work, almost every day from the Sumitomo through the door, but I this back and forth took more than a year of time, I don’t know what the Sumitomo is doing what, because I don’t pay much attention to so I also did not care about, but some time ago I and schoolmate at college we chat, he said to me that he is now working for Sumitomo, heard friends say my Sumitomo when I have some surprising, this Sumitomo from our company special close, usually I have classes also I haven’t seen him ah, later my friend smiled and said that Sumitomo is a big business, his company has a lot of.

property investment

I really didn’t think himself into the property investment industry to go, because I was in school of professional and property investment is a bit of all it doesn’t matter, when I graduated from the university I wanted to do their own professional, what but did not expect that now I has been transferred to civilian work, start doing property investment, actually I do this property investment fortunately, I was a small my together we began to do, if I let myself go to do property investment, I really do not know how to start, just started doing a lot of things is the friend with her, afterwards slowly I also familiar with, now our business is slowly.

台湾 凤梨酥

和朋友一起来台北旅游,我感觉最好吃的就是台湾 凤梨酥了,可是我的朋友说他没有吃,如果没有吃台湾 凤梨酥的话真的有点遗憾了,到台北怎么能不吃台湾 凤梨酥呢?可是我的朋友说他不太喜欢吃甜食的,所以只是到处观光了一下也没有买当地的台湾 凤梨酥,其实我觉得他这样真的很不对,到台湾的话多少也要买一些特产吧,就算自己不吃也要给家人买一些带回去啊,更何况台湾 凤梨酥真的很美味的,而且也不是很甜,口味也有多种,我觉得他应该去尝一尝的,毕竟只有在台湾才能吃到正宗的台湾 凤梨酥嘛。

Light tent

Uncle saw me buy him a Light tent has been particularly good, actually I just do photography is not long, are taught by his uncle, he told me to buy Light tent in fact, I’m a little worried, but uncle told me to explain, so when I bought the Light tent is have a little confidence, my uncle who is very careful, photography is particularly good, I want to learn photography is also influenced by him, but I still know about photography very little, so it has been in with his uncle for learning, recently received a job is to shoot the scene, need to use Light tent, my uncle let me go and buy, I confessed to buy what kind of Light tent, then I would follow the uncle said to buy back.

嬰兒用品 專門店

我看這裡有好幾個嬰兒用品 專門店,不過都比較小,有的東西還是買不到,記得我姐姐家附近有一家嬰兒用品 專門店真的很不錯,那裡的東西特別齊全,所以我想週末的時候我想去我姐姐那裡,順便去嬰兒用品 專門店買些東西,我家寶寶真的長的特別快,雖然我一個大男人真的不會照顧孩子,不過能做的我還是盡力會做的,比如買東西什麽的,因為我們家附近都沒有嬰兒用品 專門店,每次要買的話都要跑很遠,這個力氣活當然要讓我來做了,能給我的寶寶買到最好的嬰兒用品就好。




I especially like the collection Gundam model now my home there is a lot of my collection of Gundam model for each time a friend to my house to play will see those Gundam model I room inside said the Gundam model of my collection is very beautiful. I remember my last birthday, my good friend gave me the gift of time Gundam model I pleased remember me happy that night without sleep received at that time, I remember when I was in the university my side many students like me are particularly like Gundam model I remember one time I was with me those students also organized an activity is the activity on the Gundam model, let me learn a lot of things.

