kelly bag

Sometimes I feel oneself is the one that doesn’t like to buy expensive things, but sometimes I am very hope oneself can have their own Kelly bag, because I know girls had their own Kelly bag, is a very happy thing, but I am this person is not to introduce any man to buy me something, so if I want to have my own Kelly bag, then I can only be your own money to buy, but now I pay do not know when to buy the Kelly bag own bag.











training centre

A university student now work in a training centre, I think he is as long as that he can do will do the best degree, he now in training centre teaching is also so, because he is a very careful person, so his classmates are very strict, he for students are afraid of him very much, so in training centre his students are very good, the study result is very good, I think I this classmate in this respect is very powerful is also very good, because I was not so good.


In fact, I this person is that as long as I am willing to will anything be careless with the type, so as long as I see you like things, and now I have no money, want to buy down, I like Birkin, I saw a Birkin Bao Fei often good-looking, but at that time I have not so much money to buy, then try to forget it, but I always think that Birkin bag, in the end I still bought Birkin package, buy the result is I borrowed money to keep in my life, all my friends know that I spend money pattern like this, all said I this is not enough, but I just can not change.

study in UK

My classmates went to the study in UK in want to, but I do not how to consider this issue, so they say I like about his future doesn’t care about that, but I do not care about. But I feel like a person, is not considered so much. If your grades and the conditions at home are allowed you to study in UK, then you can go, but also want to so many things that are useless, I think my situation is not conform to the study in UK, I don’t think so many useless things, want to also give yourself trouble.

北京 豪华酒店

终于是下飞机了,我看到了我们的首都北京了,我一直都很想来北京看一下的,但是就是没有这样的机会,这次刚好是到这里面来旅游的,所以我一定要好好的在北京玩一下,我来之前也有在网上查过,人们都说是北京 豪华酒店很是不错,住在那里看北京的夜景真的是很美,而且住在这个北京 豪华酒店里面不管是去哪个景点旅游,那都是很方便的,所以我就想着,我好不容易来一次北京,我怎么能不去这个北京 豪华酒店里面好好的体验一下呢,想着我就打车向北京 豪华酒店出发了。