日韓 時裝

昨天閑著沒事,就約閨蜜一起去逛街,我們在一個日韓 時裝店裏面轉的時候,閨蜜看上了一件衣服,我們就問老闆可不可以試一下,老闆說是可以的,我們覺得這個日韓 時裝店裏面的老闆看上去還不錯,就試了,但是結果閨蜜覺得不好看,我們就要走,結果這個日韓 時裝店的老闆就開口罵我們了,說是我們沒錢買就別丟人試,我一聽氣就來了,就和這個日韓 時裝店的老闆吵了起來,後來在閨蜜的勸說下,我們離開了,但是這個日韓 時裝店給我留下了特別不好的印象,以後肯定不會再去了。

company formation

If you work in a large company, then the company formation of this company will make you a very long time to figure out, especially people working in various organizations under the title, just joined the company a headache, remember I just started into my work now is this situation, do not know the company formation is how to constitute not know that each department is responsible for what in the end, after a very long time before completely understand nowsee who just joined the company’s employees think of is muddle.

aptamil hong kong

This milk is very good, a lot of mother after feeding the milk is so evaluation, so it is really good quality. Hear the salesman explained to me I finally the ruthless under heart to come to buy a bag back to their baby to try, to see the price of milk powder is really very distressed ah, then your milk I have never heard of. But for their children, I can do only so much. The aptamil Hong Kong milk is a friend recommended to me, before I did not think the milk is good but how to maternal and infant monopoly after seeing it I believe prices, a price I still believe.





study in UK

The people ask me, why I decided to go to england. I choose to be silent to deal with. No one knows what the day I went to the teachers’ office after that happened, so everybody thinks I’m a very sensible child. Go to the teacher’s office that day, because the teacher scolded me, I hit back, but I didn’t think the teacher and so many other teachers before slapping me, that time I was completely disappointed to this school. Can’t change them, at least I can choose the escape. So I fled to britain. At that time really did not want to study in UK, but in the last few years, I slowly understand come to England.







make up school

No way, if she really can not be learning good then can let her go to the make up school putting on makeup, after all, this school and my acquaintance, so that I can feel better. This child was not a good child and academic nature is not very good, I think I know her. So this time I ignored the home people determined to let her in the school putting on makeup in school, hope she will be able to realize I when the father’s heart, also hope that she can be in the school putting on makeup in the study do not the same as before, I had no choice.