酒店 消費

今年可以說是我們酒店 消費最高的一年了,別得現在我們店長是有多麼的開心了,我覺得這一切都是和我們的努力分不開的。就在我剛來到這個店工作的時候,我們店裡面的這個酒店 消費額可以說是很低的,那時,我們店長每天的心情看著都不怎麼的好,後來他就做了一些方案,我們就這樣一起努力,慢慢我們這個店裡面的酒店 消費額就有所提高了,但是今年這麼高的酒店 消費額真的是我們沒有想到的,但是我們也還會努力的,爭取在明年的時候,會有更高的酒店 消費額吧。

Interior Designer

I just want to find a Interior Designer to our home decoration, did not expect the results to the Interior Designer after the company feel the Interior Designer is particularly familiar, I thought I was wrong, the result is really not to think that is my primary school classmates, did not think of him now it really is when the Interior Designer, but also still working the Interior Designer company, I know that the Interior Designer is particularly good, I also hope that he can give me a design and others do not like, is that I love the style of the house, because we also often play together in this house, feeling really good.










Husband’s work is very busy, so little time with their children, when this weekend, he rested at home, so they accompany the children to play, then I’m from out of the house, I saw his father two watching cartoon NARUTO together, and see the father and son two son very happy, very happy, I think, this cartoon NARUTO is so nice, but most of all, I think this picture is really beautiful, perhaps for the children concerned, Dad accompany him to see the NARUTO animation film is to make him happy now, anyway, no matter what, I think this is happiness, so no matter how busy is, we have to spend some time with children.

condo for sale in kl

My good friend really is a big shot, I’m busy day and night, in the past few days but also out of the country. Before leaving also please me a big thing, I really do not want to, because this is not a trivial matter. He asked me to help him pick the house, this is really got me. There is no way to promise people, and the hard on the scalp. Look, see, I do not know how many sets of houses, because I think more, so I have not seen a satisfactory house. Fortunately, the day I do not intend to come the condo for sale in KL, into the condo for sale in KL see, originally did not hold too much hope. The results in condo for sale in KL cross stitch the eye, friend came back are quite satisfied with me to his house.



婚禮 飯店

這次也還真的是特別的開心的,就真的是很快就訂到了這個婚禮 飯店呢,這次我也就是很快要結婚了,但是我們一直都沒有找到合適的酒店的,特別是我也想找個好一些的酒店的,結果沒有想到好朋友的一個親戚就是在這個婚禮 飯店工作呢,所以也就讓他給我們訂了時間了,真的是太感謝了,而且這個婚禮 飯店也就是特別的好的,很是喜歡這個婚禮 飯店的,所以這次的婚禮也就還真的是辦的特別的好的,真的是很開心也很感謝朋友的幫忙呢,這個婚禮 飯店很喜歡。