


昨天家里来了客人,是老公的朋友,来聊天的时候我才知道他原来是在台湾 免疫细胞治疗工作呢,当他刚开始说自己在台湾 免疫细胞治疗上班的时候我还是对台湾 免疫细胞治疗一点的概念都没有,因为我平时不怎么关注这些的,所以我也就没聊几句我还怕人笑我呢,今天我闲着没事的时候我在网上查了一下台湾 免疫细胞治疗,才对台湾 免疫细胞治疗有了一点点的了解,现在也才知道我们台湾也有了免疫细胞治疗。

laser printer

My brother told me that he is ready to give his own studio laser printer configuration, listening to brother talk about things I feel pretty good, I’ll tell my brother inside our company also use laser printer very good. Print file special convenience, brother to hear what I say just told me that he wanted to do it for a long time, hear brother said that I would tell my brother to his company inside good office equipment office is also very convenient, employees have to work is also very convenient, brother heard I say you said he was like that, said he would go to the mall this weekend inside look at the laser printer if you want it just buy it.


To Xiao Liu Jia Li colleagues play see little Liu’s home put a lot of Gundam Xiao Liu told me that she was on the junior high school when you particularly like Gundam, now her family put those are her all these years of collection, see a lot of Gundam Xiao Liu collection can be seen Xiao Liu Shiduo likes Gundam, I’ll tell Xiao Liu inside my house also had some Gundam is my brother she go another day my home to see those Gundam of my brother’s friends, listen to me say things that she must go home to see my brother Gundam, after Liu took me to visit her family Li, Xiao Liu Jia Li design is also very good. Xiao Liu told me that is her dad is a designer home is her father design.

Pool Furniture

Go to the aunt home playing aunt told me that she is ready to buy some Pool Furniture at home, listening to a young aunt story I told my younger sister had a friend at a shopping mall which is specialized to sell Pool Furniture I can be introduced to her, if she bought Pool Furniture in my friends there my friend will give her privilege, young aunt listened to my story let me help her to contact my friends, heard aunt say I told my younger sister will help her to contact my friend, young aunt heard me say that it this time I helped her a lot back will ask me to eat delicious, heard aunt said that I was very happy.

freight forwarding service

A friend told me that she is going to do freight forwarding service asked if I would tell her to do a piece, listening to friends talk about things I told friend of the freight forwarding service she speak very good, also get to know me before. Friends heard me say that asked me whether I want to do with her, I would tell my friend to go back with my boyfriend to discuss, friends hear I say just say my boyfriend if you listen to the things she says will agree that I do with her, hear my friends say that I will tell my friends also hope with her a piece of do, believe that will be very good. Friends heard me say she has a student knows more than she is, she can ask her that classmate consultation.




爸爸已經給我辦理好了澳洲升學手續,所以現在要是我說是不想去的話,估計爸爸就會很生氣的,於是我就按照爸爸的意思準備澳洲升學的東西了,因為我的英語還有點差,我自己也有點擔心,所以就趁著這段時間還沒有去澳洲的時候,好好學習英語呢,既然已經年過決定去澳洲升學了,那麼就要好好學,絕對不能辜負爸爸的良苦用心,我知道爸爸為了給我辦理澳洲升學手續,也花了不少錢呢, 所以我以後一定要好好學習,這才不會辜負爸爸對我的期望呢,也讓爸爸放心,我以後一定會有出息的。

台湾 凤梨酥

今天去超市购物的时候看到超市里面有不少东西都在做活动,我买了一些日用品,看到超市的零食区有买台湾 凤梨酥的,就想买几盒尝一尝看看口感怎麽样,我之前去台湾旅游的时候买过当地的一些台湾 凤梨酥,回到当地给亲朋好友都送了一些,我记得妈妈当时还是非常喜欢台湾 凤梨酥的口感的,一直都说挺好吃的,就想有时间去台湾的时候再多买一些回来,我回家后打开今天在超市里面买的台湾 凤梨酥尝了尝,口感也很不错,等到下次回妈妈家的时候多买一些给她带过去,她应该也好久都没有吃到台湾 凤梨酥了吧。

Organic Bodycare

Last night late at night are not seen roommate, all don’t know she is a few back, got up this morning I asked her last night where to play, how so late is not come, she said last night went to do Organic Bodycare and friends, said originally was going to call me to go together, but when they want to do Organic Bodycare in determining are already very late, and I need to go to work today, you didn’t call me, I asked her to do the Organic Bodycare feel like ah, she felt very comfortable very good, that is if the next time to do call me go, and I said yes ah, then go to, I didn’t do it.