After personal loan after my shop is finally opening up, originally thought that the own ideal is impossible, because our family economic conditions is not good, but I was just graduated there is no savings. Later heard that can go to do personal loan, as long as the use of a small amount of money I can shop, I do not want to do big business, as long as a small shop, I can sell the goods can be, these do not need too much money. Then I went to do personal loan, soon the money to the account, and now my shop under renovation, then try to make money also loans.
invest japan
Our company and invest Japan company has been very good relations of cooperation. In fact, the win-win in shopping malls is a very deep knowledge. We and invest Japan has been doing resource sharing, so you can get double harvest, sometimes open development is very important, can let you get useful things more. After a period of time may have to go to invest Japan learning, I always want to get this opportunity, but should also is not easy, I present performance although is also good, but still need to do. I also have many outstanding colleagues, they must also compete in this opportunity, I cannot remain stagnant. Go over there can learn many useful things.
kyoto hotel
Like Kyoto this city, have deep cultural foundation, and is not the same as Tokyo’s bustling and noisy, quietly telling some sense of story. The last time I went to Japan Tourism impressed me most is to go to Kyoto, Kyoto Hotel also left me a very deep impression. The side of the Kyoto Hotel is a very local characteristics, the environment is very clean, service is also very good. I want to be what time get another chance, I will definitely choose Kyoto hotel. But to go to Japan again you might want to live a long time. The last time go not many places to play, go to the next one. It must play a times do, to make a good plan to travel.
シンガポール 転職
由於公司的需要,我們部門要派我去新加坡工作呢,但是說句實話我捨不得我剛剛結識的男朋友,畢竟要在那裡工作一年呢,可是同時我也不想放棄這次シンガポール 転職的機會,要是我放棄了的話,估計來年我的工資也就不會再漲了,所以思量之後,我決定跟我男朋友商量一下呢,要是他也支持我シンガポール 転職的話,那麼我就給公司說是我下個月就去新加坡工作,沒i型昂到我的男朋友他還挺支持我的事業的,說是他願意等我回來之後,在結婚的。
看著我的爸爸現在也開始學韓文了,我都不敢相信自己的眼光,可是我剛剛明明看見我爸爸在用我的初級韓語書學韓文呢,但是當我進去的時候了,爸爸就趕緊把初級韓語書藏起來了,我就裝作自己沒有看見一樣,後來我就聽我哥哥說是爸爸也想去韓國旅遊呢,而且哥哥已經給他報旅遊團了,就在下個月,就去韓國的,我本來還想等我把導遊資格證拿到以後,我就帶著爸爸去韓國旅遊呢,沒想到爸爸已經給自己報團了, 我也就只好恭喜爸爸旅途愉快了。